Available 24/7  844-682-6800
When do you need our services?
Immediately, a loved one has passed
Soon, a loved one is about to pass
I'm planning for the future
Which county is your loved one currently in?
Where is your loved one currently located?
Nursing Home
Private Residence
Coroner's Office
Another Funeral Home
Does your loved one have an implanted medical device like a pacemaker or defibrillator?
I Don't Know
How much does your loved one weigh?
0-299 lbs
300-500 lbs
Direct cremation normally takes 1-2 weeks. After paperwork has been received, do you want to cut in line?
Yes  ($200.00)
No Thank You
Since cremation destroys DNA, would you like a personalized DNA ancestry report for your loved one?
Yes  ($300.00)
No Thank You
Tell me more about your DNA service
What type of cremation would you prefer?
Fire Based  (Included)
Water Based  (+$1000)
What is the difference?
After the cremation, would you like us to:
Pick up the ashes at a contracted office
in Auburn or Tacoma  (Included)
Provide an unattended scattering at sea  (Included)
Ship the ashes within the U.S.  ($125.00)
Hand deliver the ashes within 75 miles  ($225.00)
Ship the ashes in 40-60 solidified Parting Stones  ($1695.00)
Please Choose an Urn
Basic Plastic Urn
Basic Plastic Urn
Deluxe Wood Urn
Deluxe Wood Urn
+ $100
Premium Metal Urn
Premium Metal Urn
+ $200
Would you like help writing an obituary?

Obituaries are no less important for families who choose cremation. ObitWriter is a user-friendly, AI-powered online tool that lets you create a heartfelt obituary, ensuring your loved one's story is celebrated and shared with others.

No, thank you
Who are these arrangements for?
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Who is making these arrangements?
Exit Quote

When a Death Has Occurred

When a death occurs in your family, you’ll be faced with legal duties and major decisions. It’s a very difficult time, and you may not know what to do or when to begin making arrangements. That responsibility can be overwhelming.

Fortunately, Cremation Society of Washington is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help you make those necessary arrangements.

Our secure online service makes the whole process of arranging a cremation easy and gives you control from your home or office. No appointment with a funeral director is necessary.

How Our Process Works

Step One – Notify our office death occurred

The first step is to call us toll-free at 844-682-6800 as soon as possible. We’ll ask a few questions, such as the name and size of the person who has died, where the death took place, and the name of the attending doctor and of the next-of-kin. Once we have those essential details, we can transfer your loved one into our care.

Step Two – Arrange the cremation online or telephone

Once you have called to notify us of your loved one’s death, you can click here begin making arrangements for the cremation. Everything can be done online, but if you need any guidance you can call us toll-free at 844-682-6800 at any time.

Step Three – Complete the necessary documents

We will prepare and send you documents for you and other next of kin to complete and sign electronically, even on your smartphone. Once these are complete, we can file the death certificate and schedule the cremation at our crematory.

Step Four – Return of your loved one’s ashes

When the cremation is complete, we’ll send you a calendar link to schedule the day and time to retrieve your loved ones’ urn at one of our contracted offices. You may also choose to have the ashes shipped with USPS Priority Mail Express, scattered at sea or to have them hand-delivered for an additional cost.

* The cremation process can take up to two weeks, depending on the availability of the medical examiner, completion of paperwork and scheduling at our facility.