Available 24/7  844-682-6800
When do you need our services?
Immediately, a loved one has passed
Soon, a loved one is about to pass
I'm planning for the future
Which county is your loved one currently in?
Where is your loved one currently located?
Nursing Home
Private Residence
Coroner's Office
Another Funeral Home
Does your loved one have an implanted medical device like a pacemaker or defibrillator?
I Don't Know
How much does your loved one weigh?
0-299 lbs
300-500 lbs
Direct cremation normally takes 1-2 weeks. After paperwork has been received, do you want to cut in line?
Yes  ($200.00)
No Thank You
Since cremation destroys DNA, would you like a personalized DNA ancestry report for your loved one?
Yes  ($300.00)
No Thank You
Tell me more about your DNA service
What type of cremation would you prefer?
Fire Based  (Included)
Water Based  (+$1000)
What is the difference?
After the cremation, would you like us to:
Pick up the ashes at a contracted office
in Auburn or Tacoma  (Included)
Provide an unattended scattering at sea  (Included)
Ship the ashes within the U.S.  ($125.00)
Hand deliver the ashes within 75 miles  ($225.00)
Ship the ashes in 40-60 solidified Parting Stones  ($1695.00)
Please Choose an Urn
Basic Plastic Urn
Basic Plastic Urn
Deluxe Wood Urn
Deluxe Wood Urn
+ $100
Premium Metal Urn
Premium Metal Urn
+ $200
Would you like help writing an obituary?

Obituaries are no less important for families who choose cremation. ObitWriter is a user-friendly, AI-powered online tool that lets you create a heartfelt obituary, ensuring your loved one's story is celebrated and shared with others.

No, thank you
Who are these arrangements for?
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Who is making these arrangements?
Exit Quote

Frequently Asked Questions

It has been said that our industry is shrouded in mystery. To help you more fully understand what we do and how we do it, we’ve gathered some of the most commonly asked questions here with their answers. We figure that by you having more information and answers to your questions, you’ll be better prepared to make decisions.

If you have a specific question that is not listed here, please feel free to send us a message. You can do so below in the form near the bottom of this page. We will respond promptly.

What is cremation?
It is probably easier to describe what cremation isn’t. Cremation is not final disposition of the remains, nor is it a funeral service. Rather, it is a process of reducing the human body to bone fragments using high heat and flame or water, alkaline chemicals, heat, agitation and pressure.
What do cremated remains look like?
Cremated remains resemble coarse sand and are whitish to light grey in color. The remains of an average size adult usually weigh between five to nine pounds of cremated remains.
Are all the cremated remains returned?
With the exception of minute and microscopic particles, which are impossible to remove from the cremation chamber and processing machine, all of the cremated remains are given back to the family. We own and operate our cremation equipment so your loved one is always in our care, never “outsourced”. Depend on us for direct cremation.
Where do I get certified copies of the death certificate?
Certified copies are best ordered directly from the Health Department. They issue them from their office and are the most expedient method to ordering and obtaining copies. Click Here to order certified copies of the death certificate.
Do I need an urn?
All of our cremation packages include a basic plastic urn, or your choice of a Deluxe Wood Urn or a Premium Metal Urn for an additional cost.
Can two cremations be performed at once?
Never. Not only is it illegal to do so, most modern cremation chambers are not of sufficient size to accommodate more than one adult. Thus it would be a practical impossibility to conduct multiple cremations simultaneously.
Is a casket needed for cremation?
No, a casket is not required for cremation. All that is required by state law is a rigid container which is cremated with the body.
What can be done with cremated remains?
Remains can be buried in a cemetery lot or cremation garden, inurned in a columbarium, kept at home, or scattered on private property.
In what kind of container are the remains returned?
Cremated remains are placed in a basic plastic urn, or Deluxe Wood Urn or Premium Metal Urn.
How long does the actual cremation take?
It depends on the weight of the individual. For an average size adult, cremation takes from one to three hours at normal operating temperature between 1,500 degrees F to 2,000 degrees F.
When will the cremation process be complete?
The cremation process can take up to two weeks, depending on the availability of the medical examiner, completion of paperwork and scheduling at our facility.
How can I be sure I receive the correct remains?
We have developed the most rigorous set of operating policies and procedures in order to maximize our level of quality and minimize the potential for human error. Positive identification of the deceased is assured throughout each stage of the cremation process. We only allow certified professionals to operate our cremation equipment. Additionally, we own our own crematory equipment so your loved one is always in our care.
What happens after the cremation is complete?
All organic bone fragments, which are very brittle, as well as non-consumed metal items are “swept” into the front of the cremation chamber and into a stainless steel cooling pan. All non-consumed items, like metal from clothing, hip joints, and bridge work, are separated from the cremated remains. Remaining bone fragments are then processed in a machine to a consistent size and placed into a basic plastic urn, Deluxe Wood Urn or Premium Metal Urn.